ST. CROIX, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS – The Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority (“WAPA” or “Authority”) is issuing an update regarding the rotational power outages on St. Croix scheduled to commence tomorrow due to unforeseen circumstances. The outages are necessary because the available generators cannot meet the customer demand during peak times.
It is crucial to note that certain feeders are exempt from the rotation schedule. These feeders serve critical lifeline customers, including the hospital and airport, ensuring continuity of essential services.
On St. Croix, several generation units are scheduled to go offline starting on Monday night resulting in reduced generation capacity at the Estate Richmond Power Plant. As a result, rotational outages will be in effect until further notice during primarily peak hours, between 12:00 p.m. through 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. through 9:00 p.m. We urge all residents and businesses to conserve energy as much as possible to support the stability of the electrical grid and keep more feeders operational.
In addition, some customers may experience water service interruptions during outages due to loss of power at varying pump stations.
For updates and more information, please visit, social media pages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn, or call (340) 773-2250 – Press 6 (St. Thomas/St. John) and (340) 774-3552 – Press 6 (St. Croix).
The Authority understands the frustration and inconvenience that these outages will cause our customers, and sincerely appreciates the patience and understanding demonstrated by the community during this time.
For the fastest information and updates, please subscribe to WAPA alerts or sign up at: or customers can download the Everbridge App and select “Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority”.
The scheduled rotation outage for the St. Croix district is as follows, based on load demand:
Rotation 8AM – 10AM:
Outage: Feeder 2A
Rotation 10AM – 12PM:
Outage: Feeder 3A & 4A
Rotation 12PM – 2PM:
Outage: Feeder 6A & 7B
Rotation 2PM – 4PM:
Outage: Feeder 6B & 10B
Rotation 4PM – 6PM:
Outage: Feeder 2A
Rotation 6PM – 8PM:
Outage: Feeder 3A & 4A
Rotation 8PM – 10PM:
Outage: Feeder 6A & 7B
Rotation 10PM – 12AM:
Outage: Feeder 6B & 10B
The Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority Communication’s department is committed to reaching, informing, and connecting with the youngest members of the community to the eldest, through meaningful, transparent and effective communication.