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WAPA’s Clifton Hill Waterline Rehabilitation Project Near Completion

Feb 03, 2023

U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS – St. Croix’s Clifton Hill neighborhood is undergoing a huge improvement to water service, following the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority’s (“WAPA” or “Authority”) Clifton Hill Waterline Rehabilitation Project that began June 2022. The project, completely funded through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under the Territory's Drinking Water Capital Improvement Grant and distributed through the Department of Planning and Natural Resources (DPNR) will allow for significant improvements to water quality and delivery efficiency.

The Clifton Hill project now 87% complete, is part of multiple infrastructure projects the Authority is currently undertaking throughout the territory to deliver improved water service and reliability to its customers. The project’s scope will include the replacement of all existing ductile piping and water mains in the Clifton Hill area, in addition to all related laterals, valves, fittings, and hydrants. The upgrade will transition the current pipe system from ductile iron, which can sometimes cause water discoloration, to heavy duty C900 PVC Pipe. Additionally, the project will introduce Badger Meters “Smart Water Meters” which allow for more precise metering and billing.

Much of St. Croix’s water infrastructure has been plagued by inefficiency, a byproduct of aging pipelines which has led to water loss and unavoidable service interruption for WAPA customers. The ongoing rehabilitation project will allow for a significant reduction in waterline breaks, with the introduction of new valves designed to give Authority operators a greater degree of control over system components. “The Clifton Hill project represents one of many ongoing efforts the Authority is taking to improve water quality and accountability throughout the island. Last year WAPA secured a prudent replacement grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that will provide additional funding for the replacement of St. Croix’s antiquated water infrastructure, upgrading it to industry standards,” notes Don Gregoire, Director of Water at the Authority.

As the Authority continues to prioritize infrastructure upgrades to both its electric and water facilities, grant funding as provided through DPNR and FEMA, play a significant role in procuring the necessary resources to advance critical improvements, while protecting the Authority from absorbing additional financial strain.

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