U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS – VI Water and Power Authority Chief Executive Officer Andrew Smith expressed gratitude to all the agency’s partners who made possible the distribution of vouchers this past Saturday through Monday to St. Croix customers in areas impacted by lead and copper in their water. To date, over 20,000 individual vouchers have been issued.
“Clean Water Action is part of the first phase of WAPA’s initiative to immediately address the drinking water concerns of our St. Croix water customers. The efficiency of this extensive endeavor wouldn't have been possible without invaluable support from our government and private sector collaborators,” said Smith. “The planning and execution involved representatives from various entities, including the Office of the Governor, VITEMA, Departments of Health, Human Services, Planning and Natural Resources, Property and Procurement, Licensing and Consumer Affairs, Police, VI National Guard, Virgin Islands Housing Authority, Bureau of Information Technology, and Viya. Our vendors who have been cooperative in this effort should be thanked and they are The Market, Pueblo’s two locations, Plaza East, and Blue Mountain Water,” added Smith, who also recognized with appreciation the crucial role played by the 35th Legislature in funding the initiative.
“We especially thank our water customers who took advantage of the voucher distribution and are now drinking and cooking with safe bottled water,” Smith said, also noting that WAPA customer service representatives will be calling those who pre-registered and did not pick up their vouchers or who needed further proof of eligibility.
The public should also be reminded that VI Housing Authority residents in Aureo Diaz Heights, Candido Guadalupe, Williams Delight, Whim Gardens, and Walter I.M. Hodge communities, residents of the Louis E. Brown, Vista Mar and Mutual Homes private communities, and Meals on Wheels participants (including those on the waiting list), are receiving their water vouchers through their respective agencies.
WAPA is also encouraging the recipients to dispose of their empty water bottles responsibly, and if possible, take them to any available recycling center including The Market at Estate Plessen.
“We thank our WAPA employee family for their support and assure the public that we continue to work on their behalf every day to resolve this issue. May everyone’s Thanksgiving be bountiful with reasons to be grateful,” concluded Smith.